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Privacy Policy


This privacy policy applies to users of the KORURU mobile app and website at (the “Website”). The mobile app and website are owned and operated by KORURU New Retail Limited.


This privacy policy sets out the policies and practices of KORURU New Retail Limited (“Company”, “We”, “Our”) in the collection, use, sharing and protection of customers’ personal information. KORURU New Retail Limited may update or change this policy and these changes will be posted in KORURU website.


Collection of Customer’s Personal Information
  1. For the purpose of carrying on KORURU New Retail Limited's business including sale, provision, registration and advertisements of KORURU New Retail Limited and its merchant partners’ related products and services, KORURU New Retail Limited will collect your personal information when you:

    • purchase a product from KORURU New Retail Limited through online or in any merchant partners of KORURU New Retail Limited;

    • register as a member of KORURU New Retail Limited;

    • register and use Near Field Communication or QR code mobile payment services which are provided by third party financial institutions;

    • update your personal information in relation to your registration as a member of KORURU New Retail Limited;

    • enquire information about a product or service from KORURU New Retail Limited;

    • contact KORURU New Retail Limited with an enquiry or complaint;

    • enter any promotions, competitions, prize draws through KORURU New Retail Limited’s services;

    • use KORURU New Retail Limited’s products or services; or

    • take part in market research;

    • visit or browse KORURU mobile app and websites.z

  2. We may automatically collect website use information when you visit our mobile app and Sites. This information may include information about your Internet service provider, your operating system, browser type, domain name, Internet protocol (IP) address, your access times, the mobile app and website that referred you to us, the mobile app and Web pages you request, and the date and time of those requests. Our collection of mobile app and website use information may involve the use of cookies and Web beacons. Cookies are small data files stored on your hard drive by a website. Among other things, cookies help us improve our Sites and your experience. We use cookies to see which areas and features are popular and to count visits to our Sites. Web beacons are electronic images that may be used on our mobile app and Sites or in our emails. We use Web beacons to deliver cookies, count visits, understand usage and campaign effectiveness and to tell if an email has been opened and acted upon. We may also use Local Shared Objects (Flash cookies).


Types of Personal Data Collected
  1. For the purpose of carrying on KORURU New Retail Limited and its merchant partners’ business including sale, provision, registration and administration of KORURU New Retail Limited’s products and services (including relevant on-line products and services; and products and services from KORURU New Retail Limited’s merchant partners), the information that KORURU New Retail Limited collects includes but is not limited to the following:

    • (i) your name;

      (ii) contact number;

      (iii) email

      (iv) birth of month;

      (v) gender;

      (vi) occupation;

      (vii) residential estate; &

      (viii) Household monthly income​

  2. If you choose not to provide your personal data, KORURU New Retail Limited may not be able to provide you with its products or services or carry out the activities mentioned in this policy.


Use of Customers’ Personal Information

Our company may use and analyse your information for purposes including but not limited to:

(i) the daily operation of KORURU New Retail Limited and its merchant partners’ services;

(ii)verifying your identity when required;

(iii)designing services or products for customers’ use;

(iv)processing your order and providing the products and services that you have bought from KORURU New Retail Limited and its merchant partners’ and keeping you updated with the progress of your order (eCommerce);

(v)keeping you updated of KORURU New Retail Limited and its merchant partners’ latest offers or promotions;

(vi)marketing products and services (in respect of which KORURU New Retail Limited may or may not be remunerated) in the manner set out in the “Direct Marketing” section below;

(vii)carrying out research and statistical analysis and monitoring customer use of KORURU New Retail Limited’s services and products on an anonymous or depersonalised basis;

(viii)assisting KORURU New Retail Limited in fraud and crime prevention;

(ix)contacting you if necessary.


We may disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or abroad) your Personal Data to our agents or contractors under a duty of confidentiality to us who provide administrative, data processing, research and marketing, distribution, telecommunications, professional or other similar services to us.

Retention of Personal Data

KORURU New Retail Limited will destroy any personal data it may hold in accordance with its internal policy. Personal data will only be retained for as long as KORURU New Retail Limited needs it for the purposes of use stated in this policy (and directly related purposes) unless the personal data is also retained to satisfy any applicable statutory, regulatory or contractual obligations or for the purpose of investigation, detection and prosecution of crime.

Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data

a.All personal data held by KORURU New Retail Limited will be kept confidential, but KORURU New Retail Limited may disclose information about you to the following parties to use, disclose, process or retain your personal data for the purposes mentioned above and any other purposes indicated in this paragraph below:

(i)contractors, agents or suppliers who are involved in delivering the products and services you have ordered or used;

(ii)any banking or financial institutions, charge or credit card issuing companies;

(iii)credit information or reference bureaux;

(iv)professional advisers (which shall include lawyers and auditors);

(v)any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, data analytics or other services to KORURU New Retail Limited in connection with the operation of its business;

(vi)law-enforcement or government bodies, regulatory bodies, courts or as required by law;

(vii)any person to whom KORURU New Retail Limited is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on KORURU New Retail Limited or under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which KORURU New Retail Limited is expected to comply;

(viii)third party reward, loyalty and privileges program providers;

(ix)external service providers (including but not limited to mailing houses, telemarketing and direct sales agents, call centres, data processing companies and information technology companies) that KORURU New Retail Limited engages for the purposes set out in paragraph 4;

(x)(applicable to Near Field Communication mobile payment services) third party service providers of Near Field Communication services (“NFC Services”) including financial institutions the following information:


1.information about the current status of your mobile accounts, including but not limited to activation, suspension, termination and resumption of the mobile telephone number assigned to the SIM Card with NFC Services (“NFC SIM Card”); or reported loss of the NFC SIM Card or of a device with the NFC SIM Card installed, or replacement of the NFC SIM Card; or new number in the event of any change of the number assigned to the NFC SIM Card.

2.any other information as may be required by the service providers of NFC Services from time to time.

b.KORURU New Retail Limited may promote or refer to online stores or websites operated by its business partners or other third parties on KORURU New Retail Limited’s website. If you want to use or order any services or products from them and click on their links, any information that you provided which is transferred to them will be beyond KORURU New Retail Limited’s control. KORURU New Retail Limited takes no responsibility over such links. You are advised to study their privacy policies.


Direct Marketing

a.KORURU New Retail Limited intends to use your personal data such as your contact details, including contact name, fixed and mobile telephone number, email address, correspondence address and other information such as information about the products or services you have viewed online or purchased and your location data so that KORURU New Retail Limited and/or its business partners can send you information, materials, products, offers and news about the following products and services (in respect of which KORURU New Retail Limited may or may not be remunerated):

(i)all products or services by KORURU New Retail Limited including its online platforms, or its business partners; or mobile app;

(ii)reward, loyalty or privileges programs and related products and services;

(iii)products and services offered by KORURU New Retail Limited’s business partners including travel, dining, entertainment, apparel, health & beauty, education, household, transportation, banking, insurance and other consumer products and services. We will seek your consent or indication of no objection before we uses your personal data in direct marketing.


b.You may opt out (free of charge) from receiving direct marketing communications at any time in writing by post to the address stated in paragraph 10(c) below or by other means stated in KORURU New Retail Limited’s websites from time to time.


Security of Personal Data

a.KORURU New Retail Limited has adequate measures to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, accidental loss or destruction.

b.If KORURU New Retail Limited’s has a contract with another third party organization to provide a service on its behalf, KORURU New Retail Limited will ensure they have appropriate security measures and only process your information as we have authorized. Those KORURU will not be entitled to use your personal information for their own purposes. The Company will take reasonable steps to check these KORURU to make sure that they are meeting the security requirements set by KORURU New Retail Limited.

Transfer of Personal Data Outside of Hong Kong

At times it may be necessary and/or prudent for KORURU New Retail Limited to transfer certain personal data to other group companies or service providers outside of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”). This may happen as our servers service providers are based outside of Hong Kong (we currently using the US based cloud server).  Therefore, if you use our online services, the above stated action might apply.  We will take steps to ensure that your personal information is used by such third parties in accordance with this policy.

Your Privacy Rights

  1. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“the Ordinance”) and subject to exemptions specified in the Ordinance, you have the right to:

    • (i)check whether KORURU New Retail Limited holds personal data about you and to receive copies of such data;

    • (ii)require KORURU New Retail Limited to correct any personal data relating to you which is inaccurate;

    • (iii)ascertain KORURU New Retail Limited ‘s policies and practices in relation to personal data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by KORURU New Retail Limited; and

    • (iv)opt out from receiving direct marketing materials from us at any time.

  2. In accordance with the Ordinance, KORURU New Retail Limited has the right to charge a reasonable fee for processing a data access request.

  3. Requests for access to personal data, correction of personal data, information relating to the kind of data held and to stop receiving or re-start receiving direct marketing, may be made in writing by email to: Please identify yourself with your name and contact number, membership number (if any).

Privacy Policy Published at the website of "KORURU" 

This Privacy Policy is subject to change from time to time without prior notice and any changes will be posted on KORURU New Retail Limited’s mobile app and website ( You are advised to check for the latest version regularly. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the version posted on the mobile app and website and the previous versions, this version shall prevail. All handling of personal data will be governed by the most recent version of the policy. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of this Privacy Policy, the English version shall prevail.

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy KORURU New Retail Limited means KORURU New Retail Limited and its holding company and any company which is a subsidiary or affiliate of KORURU New Retail Limited. Companies in the KORURU New Retail Limited shall include, without limitation, KORURU New Retail Limited.

Data Privacy Policy
  1. The personal data supplied by Members is required for the operation and promotional activities of the Company including for the issue of rewards and Rewards. Personal data may also be used for research, programme development and for providing news and information to Members. Failure by Members to provide or keep up-to-date personal data may result in the Company being unable to offer our membership and to provide the associated Rewards to Members.

  2. All personal data of Members is managed in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDPO”).

  3. Members have the right to request to review and correct any personal data held by the Company. In order to comply with the above request of the Member, the Company may collect a reasonable administrative fee according to the PDPO.

  4. Members are responsible for keeping us up-to-date as to his / her correct personal contact information such as his / her telephone number or email address. The Company shall not be responsible for any loss as a result of a Member's failure to notify us of the change of his / her telephone number or email address.

  5. By applying for membership and by visiting the website(s) of the Company, the Member consents to the terms set out in this Data Privacy Policy. This Data Privacy Policy may be updated, revised and changed from time to time and will take effect immediately upon being posted on website(s) of the Company. Members are advised to check the latest policy on a regular basis.

  6. If Members have any questions to access or to correct any personal data held by the Company, please contact the Personal Data Officer of the Company via email at

Right of Third Party

Members expressly agree and acknowledge that the terms of these terms and conditions shall not be enforceable by and do not confer any right on any person entity or third party who is not a party to these terms and conditions by virtue of the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong), other than as expressly stated.


  1. We and any agents or contractors (if any) that it may use in the execution and management of the Company membership programme do not warrant or represent (either directly or indirectly):

    • that participation in and / or access to the whole or part(s) of the programme, programme materials, contents, information and / or functions contained therein will be provided uninterrupted, timely, secure and error-free; 

    • that the quality of rewards redeemed by Member will meet Member's expectations in any way. Neither does the Company make any warranty or representation as to the merchantability, suitability of the reward for the Member’s purposes or fitness for use of the reward redeemed by the Member.

  2. Limitation of Liability: Without prejudice to any provisions in these terms and conditions, Members expressly acknowledge and agree that us and its agents shall not be liable for (i) any losses, costs and damages resulting from the Member's enrollment on the programme, use of the programme, redemption of the rewards and use of the reward items; (ii) any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, data or other intangible losses even if we and its agents may have been advised or informed of the possibility of any such losses, costs and damage(s) resulting from Member's participation in the programme and / or his / her redemption and use of rewards items.

  3. Notices to Members may be made via either email or regular mail or SMS or mobile application. The Programme website and mobile application may also provide notices of changes to the terms and conditions or other matters by displaying notices or links to inform Members generally on the service.

  4. No waiver: The absence of steps taken to enforce any particular terms or conditions herein shall not be construed as a waiver of that term or condition by the Company.

  5. The Company reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

  6. In case of any dispute arising from the membership programme, the decision of the Company shall be final.

  7. The terms and conditions of the Company membership shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts.

  8. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

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